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Statement from Deputy Mayor on GMP being selected to pilot new measures to tackle domestic abuse.

Kate Green, Deputy Mayor for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire has issued the following statement in response to Greater Manchester Police being selected to pilot new measures to tackle domestic abuse:

"I welcome the news that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) has been chosen as a pilot force to trial new civil orders, known as Domestic Abuse Protection Notices (DAPNs) and Domestic Abuse Protection Orders (DAPOs), to provide longer-term protection for victims and survivors of domestic abuse.

"This will be another tool for GMP to utilise in the campaign to protect victims/survivors from all forms of domestic abuse, including non-physical abuse and controlling or coercive behaviour. The new DAPNs will provide immediate protection following a domestic abuse incident, such as requiring a perpetrator to leave a victim’s/survivor’s home for up to 48 hours, whilst DAPOs provide flexible protection with conditions therein able to change over time, for instance if there are changes to the level of risk posed by a perpetrator.

“Innovative policing is central to our approach in tackling all forms of gender-based violence. Through our Gender-Based Violence Strategy we are committed to improving the policing of gender-based violence, to ensuring that the experience of women and girls in the criminal justice system is as positive as possible, and to trialling new measures that can make us better able to tackle perpetrators. The protection afforded by these developments for victims and survivors is an important part of this approach."

More information about the announcement can be found on the Greater Manchester Police website.

Article Published: 22/02/2023 11:56 AM