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Help make Greater Manchester GREATER

Greater Manchester is asking everybody who lives and works in our city-region to help shape our strategy for the next 20 years.

By 2040, Greater Manchester will be one of the world's leading city-regions. With a thriving economy, it will be a dynamic, innovative, creative place to live, work and invest in.

Our people will enjoy good health and a high quality of life. No-one will be held back. No-one will be left behind.

To make this vision a reality, Greater Manchester Leaders want to start a conversation right across our city-region to help shape our new Greater Manchester Strategy.

Greater Manchester Mayor Tony Lloyd said; “In Greater Manchester we do things differently. Across our city-region we work together, and with the powers of devolution we now have a chance to make our future even greater. But we can’t do it without your help.

“Our new strategy will set out our plans to improve Greater Manchester for the next 20 years. To make it a reality all of our people must play their part, and that starts with all of us deciding what we should aim to achieve over the next two decades.

“This isn’t about ticking a box on a form, as we refresh our strategy we want to start a real and honest conversation across Greater Manchester about our shared future. We all need to get involved and help shape this strategy. Only with all of us working together can we make Greater Manchester even greater.”

Greater Manchester’s 2013 'Stronger Together' strategy described how Greater Manchester's success was being built on a combination of growth and reform. However, with a raft of new devolved powers, including Health and Social Care, and after successfully meeting many of the targets in Stronger Together, the time is now right to set out our new plans for the future.

People can give their views on how we shape the new Greater Manchester Strategy through the consultation webpage on the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) website.

Participants will be able to give wide ranging, general views on how they want to see Greater Manchester progress or discuss specific topics that matter to them. There will also be eight questions discussing aspects of life in Greater Manchester that have been identified as being vital to creating the new strategy.

People will also be able to give their views via social media, through face to face interviews and young people will be given the chance to share their vision for the city-region’s future through postcards that are being distributed to local schools.

Article Published: 13/12/2018 19:09 PM