Modern Slavery Statement
This statement sets out the steps taken by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) during 2021/22 to understand all of the potential modern slavery risks that relate to our business, which has included conducting a comprehensive risk assessment, and developing an action plan, which outlines what actions we are committed to taking, to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking within our business, or supply chains, in accordance with section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Transparency in Supply Chains) Regulations 2015.
Slavery and trafficking is something we still live with almost 250 years on, although now we recognise it for the criminal activity that it is. GMCA is committed to respecting, protecting, and championing the human rights of all who live or work in Greater Manchester, including our employees, and supply chain workers, and have been publishing a modern slavery statement for two years.
We have a zero-tolerance of modern slavery and are therefore committed to improving our practices to combat and prevent slavery, and human trafficking in our corporate activities, and to ensuring that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.
In Greater Manchester, Programme Challenger (external website) is the partnership approach to tackling serious and organised crime, including modern slavery and human trafficking, of which, GMCA is a key partner. Established in 2013, it draws on the expertise and insight of a wide range of partners across the public, private, and voluntary and community sector in Greater Manchester and beyond, in recognition that, responding to the problem of organised crime is not solely the responsibility of the police and the criminal justice system; it requires collaboration with organisations from all sectors as well as the communities they work with.
Programme Challenger provides the overarching framework and facilitates the practical mechanisms to enable this collaborative approach. Together, Programme Challenger seeks to take a victim centred approach to ensuring that we are effectively identifying and safeguarding potential modern slavery victims; identifying and prosecuting perpetrators; and working together to build our understanding of who is affected and how, so that we can better prevent and respond to this horrendous crime.
Modern Slavery Statement 2022 (Open Document Text, 47KB)
Modern Slavery Action Plan 2022 (Open Document Spreadsheet, 9KB)