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Deputy Mayor welcomes probation announcement


Deputy Mayor Bev Hughes has welcomed the Government’s announcement to invest and improve probation services across the country, but warns that local priorities should not be diluted.

The Ministry of Justice has announced today (Friday 27 July) that it will be working with Greater Manchester to shape the future approach to rehabilitation and resettlement across the

“So far Government’s efforts to transform probation services have resulted in a fractured and confusing system, which is why we welcome this opportunity to co-design future services and ensure the rehabilitation of offenders and reducing the harm on our communities is at the heart," said the Deputy Mayor.

“In Greater Manchester, devolution has allowed us to lead the way in designing and delivering services that meet local needs. Our whole-system approach to female offenders, for example, has supported hundreds of women in addressing the complex issues that led them to criminality, helping them to build a new life for themselves and their children.

“The additional investment in through-the-gate support and a refocus on resettlement is a positive move. If we are to truly tackle the revolving door of offending we need to ensure that support for offenders is embedded within our communities. We are looking forward to working with the Government to shape this work and make sure that focus isn’t lost.

“I also want to stress that any review of the role of Community Rehabilitation Companies needs to be swift and robust with appropriate measures in place to ensure services aren’t affected and local arrangement are not diluted.”

Read the Ministry of Justice announcement ( website).

Article Published: 14/12/2018 13:05 PM