Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distance

Statement in response to BBC report on Didsbury Mosque


Responding to the audio recordings released by the BBC regarding Didsbury Mosque, Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester Bev Hughes said:

“The Mayor and I are clear: we will always act on any evidence of the incitement of hate and violence whenever it happens and from wherever it comes. And, as we made clear in our response to the Preventing Hateful Extremism and Promoting Social Cohesion Commission, we expect all communities in Greater Manchester to do the same.

“Clearly these serious allegations are very concerning for us all. Greater Manchester Police have confirmed that, following the broadcast, they have received the audio recording of this incident from the BBC. They are now in the process of reviewing the material. This is now a live investigation and we must now await their considered view before making any further comment.”

Article Published: 14/12/2018 13:31 PM