Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distance

UK Green Building Council Regeneration and Retrofit report launch

UKGBC will be hosting the Regeneration and Retrofit report launch on Wednesday, October 11, 2017.

The event will take place between 16:00 – 17:30 followed by drinks and a networking reception.

The task group has been investigating the regeneration impacts of whole home retrofit and developing innovations which could help to deliver high quality retrofit-led regeneration projects. These include proposals for social enterprises that engage and represent residents and maximise employment opportunities for local people, and for local authority revolving funds which provide compelling financial offers to all private households in an area.

More information on the Regeneration and Retrofit Task Group (UKGBC website) 

This event will see the launch of the task group findings, with short presentations from members of the group and perspectives from central and local government. We are delighted to be joined by:

  • Andy von Bradsky, Design and Delivery Adviser, DCLG
  • Mark Atherton, Assistant Director GM Environment, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
  • Alex Willey, Head of Regeneration Projects, Clarion Housing Group
  • Charles Bradshaw-Smith, CEO, SmartKlub
  • David Adams, Manufacturing Director, Melius Homes

The address: BDP, 11 Ducie Street, Piccadilly Basin, Manchester M1 2JB

Article Published: 14/12/2018 09:12 AM