Mayor's Question Time

Have a voice on the concerns that matter to you

Since June 2017, the Mayor of Greater Manchester has hosted Question Time events. Partnered with key regional media, the Mayor's Question Time aims to highlight and answer questions on local issues, posted by members of the public. This is your opportunity to have a voice on the concerns that matter to you.


The next Mayor's Question Time event is on Wednesday 26 March. The event will take place at The Fusilier Museum, Bury. 7pm arrival for a 7:30pm start. 

The host for the event will shortlist questions submitted by the public before the event. However, you will be able to raise your hand over the course of the evening and the host may choose to come to you to ask a question.

The event will be held quarterly and will move around all districts in Greater Manchester over time, so we encourage people from all Greater Manchester boroughs to register for the events.  Future Mayors Question Time events will be hosted in June, September and December. 

Register to attend Mayor's Question Time

Visit the Eventbrite page

You can ask about anything that falls under the Mayor’s control. Read more about the Mayor’s responsibilities

When people register to attend, we ask them to submit a question. These questions are then shortlisted by an independent local journalist to make sure we have a broad range of topics covered on the night. There is also opportunity to ask questions on the night.

We can accept people arriving on the night if there is space however, we encourage you to book a ticket in advance to secure your place as there may be occasions that we limit numbers attending the event and would need to turn people away.

Before the event, either online at home, please familiarise yourself with the Admissions Policy for the Mayor’s Question Time event. 

All visitors wishing to enter the event, will be subject to a photo ID check and security search of any bags or carried items. The search aims to ensure that no prohibited items are either deliberately or accidentally brought into the building. 

If you are getting to the event via public transport, the museum is only a one minute walk from the bus and tram station in the centre of Bury.

There is also street parking available outside the museum.

We want this to be an enjoyable experience for everyone who comes and so there are a few things that we think are important:

  • The journalist who is hosting the event is the Chairperson. This means that they manage the questions and makes sure the people asking questions get a comprehensive response. They may also choose to move the conversation on to a new topic.
  • We cover a range of questions and subject areas – as everyone has different interests and wants to hear about different things.
  • People are respectful and let other audience members talk and contribute, being mindful not to control the conversation.

To be able to do this, we ask that people: 

  • Ask only one question
  • Stay on the topic that is being discussed at that particular time
  • Keep questions concise and to the point

On the night of the event, we want to ensure that people get to ask their questions to the Mayor, but abusive behaviour, including towards the host, staff or other audience members will not be tolerated.

Due to the number of questions that are submitted and the time of the event, we are unlikely to be able to answer all questions but will try and cover a range of topics.

We only gather the minimum amount of information to ensure a smooth-running event. This includes your name, email and if you have any special access requirements that we need to be aware of in advance.

Read our Privacy Notice

Please be advised that this event will be livestreamed on social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube etc.) and photos/videos are taken on the night and may also be shared after the event.