Investing in Greater Manchester's Early Years Workforce
Improving school readiness at age 5, continues to be a priority for Greater Manchester (GM) and recognises that the Early Years (EY) workforce is key to unlocking the potential of our children in GM.
The GMCA School Readiness Programme has a priority to invest in the multi-agency Early Years workforce and has developed GM REFLECT to help strengthen early years practice and upskill the workforce.
GM REFLECT, is a single competency framework to support integrated working, training and professional development across a GM multi-agency early years workforce
The resources are aimed at a range of EYs professionals working in:
Early education and childcare
Health services – pregnancy and early years
Early Help and social care
Local Authority EYFS/Quality Assurance
Voluntary sector and volunteers
There are a number of components which make up GM REFLECT, which are highlighted on the tabs below: