boy learning to write at school

GM REFLECT eLearning

Open access, free to use eLearning modules designed to strengthen levels of confidence across a range of workforce competencies.

Aligned to the GM REFLECT competencies, these modules have been co-designed with Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and Early Years professionals from across Greater Manchester. They are aimed at the GM Early Years workforce, working in multi-agency roles and with differing qualifications and experience to strengthen their levels of confidence across a range of competencies

The first 3 topics to be launched are: 

  • Social, Emotional Development and Wellbeing

Develop knowledge and skills to support children's social and emotional development and wellbeing. Learn practical strategies to promote wellbeing and create nurturing environments that help children thrive.

  • Engaging with Families

Explore how to build effective partnerships with families and take a holistic approach to enable positive engagement and support.

  • Physical Development

Deepen your professional understanding of physical development and develop the skills and confidence to offer effective support in your role.

Manchester Met logo, black on white background To access the courses, please click on the link below:

RISE at Manchester Met (External Website)


Additional eLearning modules are currently in development and will be made available over the next few months. These will include:

  • Pre-Birth and the Early Days

  • Firm Foundations

  • Speech, Language and Communication

  • SEND

They will take approximately 2-3 hours study time and can be completed at own pace. A digital badge is awarded on completion.


Feedback on GM REFLECT eLearning modules:

"I am so impressed with the content and the training. It feels accessible and engaging and throughout uses such a variety of multi-media from quality rich sources to support different types of learning" Dr Madeline Marczak, Principal Clinical Psychologist, Manchester Foundation Trust. 

"I found the modules to be clear and easy to follow. I really appreciate how the materials include a variety of formats, such as videos, leaflets and images, providing a well balanced and comprehensive mix of information" Donna Robinson, Setting Lead, Ladybird Nursery, Stockport

"I think it was pitched well for all levels as there was something got everyone, and even if you did know it, it was good to have a reminder and it being presented with lots of videos to support all learners" Catherine Armstrong, Headteacher, Hollywood Park Nursery, Stockport