Perinatal and Parent Infant Mental Health
Perinatal and Parent Infant Mental Health
Up to one in five women will experience a mental health problem in pregnancy, or the first year after birth, with up to three to five per cent experiencing a serious psychiatric disorder. As part of the NHS Long Term Plan, the NHS has committed to continued investment in perinatal mental health care for mothers and their partners who need specialist support during and following pregnancy. Up to 18% of fathers experience anxiety and depression in the perinatal period and, where parents are struggling, the impact on infant mental health is significant.
Greater Manchester is aiming to be a leading region through our delivery of the vision to promote the emotional wellbeing and mental health of pregnant women, parents and all the 37,000 babies born in Greater Manchester every year and their families. We are doing this through building high quality specialist perinatal and parent infant services that work closely with partners, including midwives, health visitors and GPs, to develop their knowledge and skills in promoting wellbeing for all and in the early identification and support for parents and infants with emotional and mental health needs. The four key parts to the Greater Manchester model work together to make this happen:
Pregnancy, parenthood and mental health guides
The websites and resources linked below provide further information on the mental health support available in GM.
Pregnancy, Family and Mental Health: Resources and Support (External Website)
Perinatal and parent infant mental health: Resources and Support (External Website)
As these documents were originally designed for print, they are not fully accessible. The images do not have alt-text but they are primarily decorative and should not stop the key information from being accessed.
Parent and Perinatal Infant Mental Health Posters
Crying Babies Poster (PDF, 836 KB)
Keep Baby in Mind Poster (PDF, 693 KB)
New or expectant parent stress poster - Father (PDF, 841 KB)
New or expectant parent stress poster - Mother (PDF, 962 KB)