Empowering people and communities
Empowering people and communities
We want to ensure that everyone in Greater Manchester, whatever their age, location or situation, can safely access and benefit from the opportunities digital brings if they want to.
We will:
- Ensure everyone is able to digitally participate with confidence and make informed choices about how their personal information is used.
- Help people stay safe online and tackle online abuse.
- Ensure everyone has the skills to access good quality digital jobs.
- Empower people to live healthier, more environmentally sustainable lifestyles through better use of technology and data.
- Grow our digital ecosystems and ensure they continue to inform public policy.
- Open more of our data for others to use and create great services.
- Continue to invest in the security and privacy of systems that hold public data so that people have confidence in what’s happening to their information.
Main Projects:
A Bed Every Night case management digitisation
Community Hub Application (a COVID-19 response)