Greater Manchester Independent Prosperity Review
Under the leadership of a panel of distinguished experts, the Greater Manchester Independent Prosperity Review was established to undertake a detailed and rigorous assessment of the current state, and future potential, of Greater Manchester’s economy. Commencing ten years on from the path-breaking Manchester Independent Economic Review (MIER), it provides a fresh and independent understanding of what needs to be done to improve productivity and drive prosperity across the city-region. The evidence that underpins the reviewers’ recommendations has been revisited regularly to ensure that the significant economic developments experienced since 2019 (Covid-19, UK’s exit from the European Union and the energy and inflation shock) are examined and factored into the recommendations for the city region.
The review informs the actions of local and national decision-makers from across the public, private, and voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors in driving forward Greater Manchester’s future productivity and prosperity. This includes underpinning the ambitious Local Industrial Strategy that Greater Manchester has developed jointly with national Government, and The Greater Manchester Strategy (external site) delivering the city-region’s vision of a greener, fairer and more prosperous Greater Manchester.