Keep the clean air in Greater Manchester

Greater Manchester’s local authorities are working together with government to develop a joint Clean Air Plan to clean up the air we all breathe. We need to clean up the air we all breathe. This will bring levels of harmful nitrogen dioxide (NO2) air pollution on local roads within legal limits as soon as possible and by no later than 2026, in line with the latest government direction.  

Dirty air damages our health and makes a major contribution to ill health and early death in our communities. In towns and cities, road vehicles are the main source of air pollution. But we can be affected by poor indoor air quality too.

Everyone is at risk. Air pollution harms our health at every stage of life. In fact, the effects can start as early as a baby’s first few weeks in the womb. The most vulnerable people in society are hit hardest – children, older people and those already in poor health.

When you’re out and about you can be breathing in dirty air without even knowing it. And you might be adding to the problem by the way you travel.

The single biggest thing we can do is drive less. Choosing to make more journeys on foot or by bike will not only reduce air pollution and will also improve your health. There are plenty of ways you and your organisation can help reduce air pollution. A few simple changes could help protect you, your families and others.

Suggested Actions

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For more information and top tips, visit Clean Air Greater Manchester

There’s also a schools toolkit to help your school take action against air pollution, so that pupils and everyone else can breathe cleaner air. The free toolkit combines curriculum-linked lesson plans and resources with the latest scientific understanding and campaign tools. It will help your school raise awareness of air pollution and get teachers, parents and pupils involved in practical ways to improve the local air.