Manchester skyline, buildings and roads

Greater Manchester Strategy

The Greater Manchester Strategy

We want Greater Manchester to be a place where everyone can live a good life, growing up, getting on and growing old in a greener, fairer more prosperous city region.

Our strategy for Greater Manchester sets out a route, over the next decade, to deliver this vision for the benefit of our people, our places and our planet.

Working collectively across our city region, with our communities, we will focus on improved wellbeing for the 2.8m people here, with better homes, jobs and transport.

We will continue the work to make Greater Manchester a great place to visit, invest and study, with thriving businesses which are UK and world leading, in sectors including low carbon and digital.

We will look through the triple lens of a greener, fairer and more prosperous Greater Manchester, making sure activity supports all three themes.

We’ll do it in a way which is inclusive, innovative and forward thinking, building on the pioneering and progressive culture which underpins our city region.

And we’ll make sure we can be held to account, with a delivery plan showing the collective actions we are taking, and a performance framework to demonstrate progress.

A New Era for Greater Manchester - Fairer, Greener, and More Prosperous (external website)

The Greater Manchester Model

The Greater Manchester Model outlines how public service delivery works in Greater Manchester. It will enable us to embed the principles of placed-based working and deliver the Greater Manchester Strategy.

Greater Manchester Model (PDF, 1,672 KB)

The GMS Progress Report (July 2022)

The Greater Manchester Strategy (GMS) progress report provides an overview of some of the activities currently underway which support the delivery of the GMS shared commitments and draws out whole system issues and areas for further progression in an issues paper. A self-assessment process, including input from across GM delivery groups and engagement with a stakeholder panel, has been undertaken to understand where Greater Manchester is currently and where we need to see change if we are to collectively deliver the GMS ambitions. At six months into the new Strategy, the self-assessment has identified areas for development for Greater Manchester and supporting proposals to Government, which can unlock GM’s potential and support the achievement of the GMS.

Greater Manchester Strategy Progress Report (PDF, 1MB)

GMCA Decision Support Tool

The GMCA decision support tool, developed in collaboration with the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformation at the University of Manchester, enables a high-level assessment of possible impacts arising from any proposition, the outputs from which are provided to decision makers to understand the possible wider co-benefits of taking forward the proposal or seeking changes where it is deemed impacts arising could be mitigated. Where the screening process determines a more detailed assessment is required, an equalities impact assessment proforma and carbon assessment element are embedded within the document and can be used to support the overall assessment, and the information made available to the GMCA for decision making. 

Vision Zero Strategy 

A strategy to end road death and life-changing injury on Greater Manchester’s roads.

Find out more about Vision Zero Strategy

View the Vision Zero Strategy (PDF, 3.43MB)

View the Vision Zero Strategy - Text Only Version (Word Doc, 206KB)


Archived Greater Manchester Strategy documents are available here for reference purposes.

Greater Manchester Strategy Archive (internal webpage)


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Greater Manchester Strategy