Integrated Water Management Plan
Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to the way we plan for and manage all elements of the water cycle in Greater Manchester.
Our Story
In September 2021, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Environment Agency, and United Utilities, creating the first Partnership looking to manage water differently across the city region. By working collaboratively, the partnership will deliver progressive improvements in sustainable water management, enhancement of the natural environment and ensure all future developments and critical infrastructure are resilient to flooding and the impact of climate change.
At the Mayoral Roundtable on the 30th of September 2022, it was agreed that GMCA, United Utilities and the Environment Agency should produce an Integrated Water Management Plan to draw together a collective vision, objectives, and actions, and identify accountability and capacity for delivery.
Our vision
Working together, we will manage Greater Manchester's water wherever it falls, to enhance the environment, support people and forge prosperous places.
Our core objectives
1. Breaking down the barriers by working together
Working together to manage water in an integrated way. This will enable the delivery of sustainable growth in Greater Manchester. We want to identify innovative solutions and combine efforts with public and private investors to deliver more.
2. Creating multiple benefits
Ensuring that all interventions consider water neutrality, flood resilience, water quality improvement and build in climate adaptation.
Aiming to maximise multifunctional blue-green infrastructure, restore natural function and water landscapes, protecting and valuing biodiversity and the water environment.
3. Businesses and the community become an important part in creating the value.
Involving businesses and community stakeholders to deliver resilient, diverse, and inclusive public spaces.
Creating opportunity and access for jobs and skills needed for integrated water management.
Our workstreams
Building on the vision and objectives, and through partnership working and shared experiences, we have developed a series of workstreams to support implementation of the plan:
Workstream 1 - Living Integrated Opportunity Programme
Workstream 2 - Digital Platform
Workstream 3 - Adaptive Policies and Standards
Workstream 4 - The Partnership
Workstream 5 - Skills and Resources
Workstream 6 - Integrated Investment Plan
Workstream 7 – Marketing and Engagement
If you are interested in collaborating or would like further information please email
Partner links
United Utilities Place Based Planning (external website)
Environment Agency (external website)
Water Resources in the North West | Dispelling the Myth - YouTube
Dispelling the Myth | Water Resources | North West (external website
Page header image: United Utilities