Following the publication of the Inspectors' Report, all nine Places for Everyone Councils considered the Inspectors’ recommendations and related documentation, and resolved to adopt the Plan at Council meetings held between 28 February and 20 March 2024.
The PfE Plan took effect and became part of the statutory development plan for each of the nine PfE authorities on March 21, 2024.
Starting on March 22, 2024 (the day after the PfE Plan comes into effect), any person aggrieved by the adoption of the Places for Everyone Plan had six weeks (to May 2, 2024) to make an application to the High Court under Section 113 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 on the grounds that:
a) the Plan is not within the appropriate power conferred by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004;
b) a procedural requirement of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, or its associated Regulations have not been complied with.
Adoption Documentation
Adopted Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan Document (PDF, 17.9MB) - Please note this Places for Everyone Plan, published in December 2024, incorporates the minor non material editorial amendments which have been approved in accordance with the decisions taken by the nine Places For Everyone authorities.
Schedules of minor non material editorial amendments to the Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan Document (internal webpage)
Places for Everyone Policies Map (JPEG, 18.6MB)- Please note this Places for Everyone Policies Map, published in December 2024, incorporates the minor non material editorial amendments which have been approved in accordance with the decisions taken by the nine Places For Everyone authorities.
Places for Everyone Adoption Statements (internal webpage)
Integrated Assessment Reports including the Sustainability Appraisal
Places for Everyone Integrated Assessment Adoption Statement (PDF, 160KB)
Modifications versions of the Integrated Assessment Reports including the Sustainability Appraisal are available through this link:
View Modifications Integrated Assessment Reports – see documents MDC6 to MDC13 (internal webpage)
Submission versions of the Integrated Assessment Reports including the Sustainability Appraisal are available through these links:
View Submission Integrated Assessment Reports – see documents SD8 to SD17 (internal webpage)
Inspection Points
View where the Places for Everyone plan is available for inspection (internal webpage)
Further Information
View the District Governance Meetings agendas (internal webpage)
View Adoption Documentation as presented to District Governance Meetings (internal webpage)
View previous stages of Places for Everyone (internal webpage)