South Pennine Moors SPD
The South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation (SAC)/ Special Protection Areas (SPAs) Supplementary Planning Document (South Pennine Moors SPD) is being jointly prepared but Oldham Council, Rochdale Council and Tameside Council and is applicable across the three Local Authority areas, apart from the are that is covered by the Peak District National Park.
The SPD provides further guidance on how criterion 7 of Policy JP-G5 of the Places for Everyone plan (PfE) will be implemented. Criterion 7 seeks to ensure new development does not have an adverse impact on three designated protected habitat sites: South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation (SAC); Peak District Moors Special Protection Areas (SPA's); and South Pennine Moors Phase 2 SPA. The three designated habitat sites overlap each other and are collectively known as the South Pennine Moors SAC/SPAs.
Consultation on the draft SPD documents took place between the 1st of November and the 12th of December 2024. All responses to the consultation are currently being analysed. The draft SPD documents and further details about the consultation can be found below.