In the foreground is a hanging basket with flowers looking blurry, behind it, in focus is the tall clock tower of a church

Ethics Committee

To help build trust and public confidence in policing, Greater Manchester's independent Ethics Committee advises the Deputy Mayor for Safer and Stronger Communities, Kate Green, and Greater Manchester Police on the complex dilemmas that policing faces in the modern world.

The committee has been given a wide remit, with GMP pledging to give access to the service's systems and people. When established, it was the first of its type in the country.

The committee decides which issues it wants to consider, as well has having issues referred in by both GMP and the Deputy Mayor. Members of the public can raise issues with the committee - but it does not consider individual complaints about police.

The committee considers both broad thematic issues - such as discrimination, safe drug use, and surveillance - and practical day-to-day issues, such as the use of body-worn cameras by police officers.

Professional ethics is far broader than integrity alone. It incorporates the requirement to give an account of one's judgments, acts and omissions. In simple terms, it is not only about doing the right deed but also about doing it for the right reason.

By having an ethics committee, the Deputy Mayor Kate Green is making an explicit and public commitment to transparent, ethical policing in Greater Manchester that is subjected to rigorous independent scrutiny.


The Committee's work

Since it has been established, the committee has delivered a significant programme of work, on both a planned and responsive basis. Work the committee has conducted includes:

Body-worn video

One of the first major pieces of work carried out was into the ethical considerations of police officers using body-worn videos. Technological advances mean that police can now use affordable cameras which provide high-quality images and audio which can be used for evidential purposes.

The committee considered the ethical dimensions of if, when and how these cameras should be used by police officers and police community support officers. As part of its research, the committee held focus groups with a range of community representatives and police. The committee published a report which summarised its findings and made 14 recommendations for GMP and the PCC's office to consider before deploying the technology widely.

The research helped formulate GMP's policy on the use of the technology, which has now been issued to all frontline police officers.

The committee revisited this topic in 2021 to review GMPs progress against the recommendations made.

Body-worn video - A report by Greater Manchester’s Independent Police Ethics Committee (PDF. 3.2MB)

Use of force and weaponry such as Tasers

The committee has previously reviewed a random sample of incidents involving Tasers to ensure GMP's use of the weapon was appropriate and ethically-sound. This was generated from a wider look at how GMP deploys weaponry, and how force is used within policing. 

The committee has continued to monitor how force is used within policing and has also contributed to the development of the GMP Achieving Race Equality report.

Human tissue retention

Following a request from GMP regarding human tissue retention, the committee provided advice on the proposed policy and action the service could take regarding communication with family members. 


Committee members reviewed GMP's policy and practices around whistle-blowing, as well as meeting with a range of police officers of varying ranks, and the Professional Standards Branch.

Children and policing

The committee has considered the ethical issues around how the police interact with young people in general, and specifically the treatment of young people in custody. This work has involved focus groups with young people and engagement with custody staff, appropriate adult volunteers, and independent custody visitor volunteers.

Use of data

The committee considered the way in which the police used personal information in both the public and private domain when carrying out activities such as vetting, gathering intelligence and issuing public appeals, and provided advice to GMP on the ethical handling of personal information.

Police employment of people with criminal records

The committee looked at how people are vetted for careers within policing, and what considerations are given to grant employment to those with criminal records. The committee considered whether decisions or processes made by GMP's vetting section were grounded in ethical principles and standards, and how that compliance is measured.

The committee reviewed GMP's processes, other national guidelines, and the approach taken in other professions. They met with GMP's vetting unit and produced a report with several recommendations around transparency, sustainability and equality.

Engagement with police officers and staff

The committee always aims to ensure it does not have to rely on the word of senior officers from GMP or the Police and Crime Commissioner's office and, where possible, hears from the front-line when considering ethical dilemmas.

The committee has also directly engaged with front-line officers with specific learning sessions around ethics and integrity where officers were able to speak openly and frankly about how they can embed ethics into the day-to-day business of policing.


Ethics Committee Members

Join the committee

Dame Robina Shah - Independent chair 

Robina was born in Chorlton-cum-Hardy and went on to complete her graduate and postgraduate degree in Psychology at the University of Manchester. She is a Consultant Chartered Psychologist and Professor of Pyschosocial Medicine and Medical Education at Manchester Medical School. Robina has held an extensive public service portfolio across Greater Manchester, current roles include Non-Executive Director (Vice Chair) Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, former roles Non-Executive Director of Manchester Football Association, Chair, Seashell Trust, Chair, Stockport NHS Foundation Trust and Lay Magistrate, Manchester City Bench.

She has national leadership roles with the Football Association, NHS England Assembly, and the High Sheriffs Association. Robina has also served extensively in civic roles: including Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Greater Manchester and Past High Sheriff. 

Having previously been awarded an MBE in recognition for her research into the experiences of disabled children she was further awarded with the title Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire in the 2023 New Year’s Honours list for services to patient care.

Maneer Afsar

Maneer Afsar is an independent member of the Parole Board, considering cases for release and transfer. She has previously worked as an Operational Manager for the Parliamentary Health Services Ombudsman leading a team of investigators reviewing complaints about the NHS or parliamentary bodies. Prior to that Maneer worked for the HM Inspectorate of Prisons.

Dr Dane Anderton

Dr Dane Anderton is an academic at the University of Liverpool Management School, were he leads their MBA programmes, and also an elected councillor in Leigh, based in the Wigan Borough. Dane chairs Wigan Borough's Community Safety Partnership with representation from GMP, GMFRS, Public Health and various Local Authority services involved with community safety. His academic research focuses on local economic development and policy. In addition to his educational roles, Dane has input in shaping local economic strategies, with a keen focus on skills development, and leading community safety initiatives for the Wigan Borough.

Jane Bevan

Jane has been the strategic lead for the Greater Manchester Disabled People’s Panel since 2019. The panel is convened by the Greater Manchester Coalition of Disabled People (GMCDP) in partnership with Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham and Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). Jane is also a Judicial Office Holder in two chambers: Disability Member on First-Tier Tribunals, Social Entitlement Chamber and Non-legal Member for Employment Tribunals. Previously she was Programme Head of Disability and Programme Head of International Policy at the Equality and Human Rights Commission (2009-2017) and has also been a trustee for Breakthrough UK (disabled people’s organisation in Greater Manchester) and a Parent Governor at Oldham Sixth Form College. Jane is passionate about equality and human rights. 

Karen Lund

Karen Lund is a Senior Leader holding  the legal responsibilities of an Archdeacon in the Church of England.  She is currently Archdeacon of Manchester with diocesan and parochial governance as aspects of her role. Her primary role is within her archdeaconry to carry out her duties which include pastoral care, grievance procedures, monitoring safeguarding practice and guidance for parishes.  Karen also offers support as a director for Manchester based Cariocca, helping to start and support businesses towards growth, and Benefact Trust, providing essential support to charities and churches.

Sam Makkan

Sam qualified as a barrister and called to the Bar of England and Wales by the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn in February 1987. He combines more than 25 years of criminal law experience in the UK and consultancy in more than 12 different jurisdictions. He practiced criminal law as a Prosecutor, Senior Crown Prosecutor and Higher Court Advocate for more than 25 years.

He was senior integrity advisor for the United Nations on an anti-corruption programme where he designed, developed and delivered workshops on ethical codes of conduct for justice professionals, incorporating international ethical frameworks. Whilst working for the Crown Prosecution Service, he managed and delivered the racially and religiously aggravated (RARA) crime project for 2 years where he was instrumental in setting up the first external scrutiny panel in Greater Manchester. He has also delivered one of their first victim-based projects, which was rolled out nationally. This was a first project that put victims at the centre of decision-making process.

Sam is a resident of Greater Manchester, member of a Multi Academy Board and Chairs the Risk and Audit Committee of that Board. He has also volunteered at an elders group.

Claire McManus

Claire has spent her career working in the financial services sector between the UK & US and until recently acted as the UK Head of Employee Relations at HSBC. She now consults on matters of professional standards, regulation and policy in roles for the accountancy regulator (ICAEW) and for Leeds City Council Standards and Conduct Committee. Claire was born and raised in Greater Manchester, she has previously been a volunteer restorative justice mediator in Manchester and volunteer community mediator in New York. 

Sadia Mir

Sadia is a proud public speaker, creative and equality, diversity and inclusion advocate. Sadia started her career tackling what was unfairly blocked from her during her youth because of her skin colour, because of her religion, and because of her background. This included, and is not limited to; a safe space, disability guidance, sports, adequate prayer facilities (the corridor does not count!), education, creative opportunities and secure pathways to share instances of racism and Islamophobia. Sadia now takes her passion for creating safe spaces into the realms of heritage and culture, creativity and arts, youth voice and the health sector across Greater Manchester.

Victoria Yates

Victoria Yates is a solicitor and former Senior Crown Prosecutor in Manchester. She also provides independent advice in the Social Entitlement Chamber of the HM Tribunal Service. In addition, Victoria is an active member of the GM NHS Brest Clinical Pathway Board and created a network to support younger women following breast cancer diagnosis.

Members receive an allowance of £1,000, and an attendance allowance of £211.50 per day or £104.50 per half day. This allowance is in line with Home Office guidance.

Contact the Independent Ethics Committee

The Independent Ethics Committee can be contacted via email at