Two students walking outside education building smiling at eachother

Gender-Based Violence Strategy

In September 2021, GMCA published its ambitious Strategy to tackle gender-based violence across the city region. Our aim is to deliver a radical transformation in Greater Manchester’s approach to tackling violence against women and girls.

Our Strategy sets out a comprehensive programme of service delivery to enhance the safety of women and girls, while working to prevent gender-based violence from happening in the first place by challenging the societal attitudes and inequalities that enable it.

The Strategy was developed following extensive work with people who support those affected by abuse and violence, including the police, health services, education, safeguarding experts, and community and voluntary sector organisations. Most importantly, we have talked to many women who have personal experiences of gender-based violence.

This involved a full month-long public consultation, alongside work with the Women and Girls Equality Panel, Disability Panel, Older People’s Network, and a sub-group of the Race Equality Panel.

As a result of this consultation, our commitments regarding tackling gender-based violence are:

Read our Gender-Based Violence Strategy in full (PDF, 4.2mb)

Delivery Plan

In 2022, we followed up our Gender-Based Violence Strategy by launching our first Gender-Based Violence Delivery Plan.

Our delivery plans outline what specific actions and funding commitments we will make to support the delivery of each of the strategy's objectives.

We will publish a new delivery plan every two years, to reflect the changing priorities throughout the life of the ten-year Gender-Based Violence Strategy.

Our delivery plans will ensure that we remain focused on the actions needed to deliver the Strategy effectively and efficiently.

The priorities within our delivery plan for 2022/23 are:

  • Establish a panel of lived experience.
  • Initiate a sustained programme of public engagement.
  • Initiate a long-term programme of education aimed at children and young people.
  • Ensure consistent services in all Greater Manchester communities, including commitments to EDI, a consistent approach to perpetrators, and improvements to experiences with the criminal justice system.
  • Begin our 'whole housing approach' to reduce the risk of homelessness.
  • Recognise the Gender-Based Violence Board's role in focusing on strategic priorities.

Read our Gender-Based Violence 2022-23 Delivery Plan here (PDF, 12.2MB)