Research: Ageing
Ageing Research
Creating a more inclusive and productive city-region where everyone, and every place can succeed is key to Greater Manchester’s success. We undertake a variety of analysis/research to support this, including the development of the Future of Ageing Report, from which Greater Manchester Ageing Hub’s work will develop.
We also continue to provide evidence and data and support the development of strategic priorities in support of the Hub’s ambitions, such as the Future of Ageing Report (opens in a new window) and Greater Manchester Combined Authority's submission (opens in a new window) to the RSA Inclusive Growth Commission (opens in a new window).
In addition, we work with colleagues in the voluntary sector to design and implement research and evaluation in relation to the Ambition for Ageing programme (opens in a new window), a Big Lottery Fund project that involves older residents in service design and delivery in 25 wards across Greater Manchester.
Research reports and publications
- Addressing worklessness and job insecurity amongst people aged 50 and over in Greater Manchester - Centre for Ageing Better and the Centre for Local Economic Strategies
- Age-friendly Culture: some things can't be confined to a box - Esme Ward
- Age-friendly Transport in Greater Manchester - are we getting there? - Greater Manchester Older People's Network Report
- A Handbook for Cultural Engagement with Older Men - The Whitworth
- An introduction to co-production for the Ambition for Ageing programme - Anna Goulding
- An Alternative Age-friendly Handbook - Sophie Handler
- Asset-based Approaches and Inequalities - Ambition for Ageing
- (Film 9 mins) Sex, Love and Intimacy in Later Life - UoM/ MMU
- (Film 15 mins) Researching Age-Friendly Cities - Tine Buffel, University of Manchester
- Health warning for employers: Supporting older workers with health conditions - Centre for Ageing Better
- How long will I love you? Sex and intimacy in later life - David Lee and Josie Tetley
- Old Moat: Age-friendly Neighbourhood Report - Stefan White, Chris Phillipson and Mark Hammond
- Researching Age Friendly Communities: Stories from older people as co-investigators - Tine Buffel
- Research and Evaluation Framework for Age-friendly Cities - Sophie Handler
- RIGHTSIZING: Reframing the housing offer for older people
- Social isolation and Older Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic People in Greater Manchester - Camilla Lewis and Natalie Cotterell
- Social isolation among older people in urban areas: A review of the literature for the Ambition for Ageing programme in Greater Manchester - Tine Buffel, Samuele Remillard-Boilard and Chris Phillipson
- Social isolation in later life - the role of co-production with older people - Anna Goulding
- The Golden Generation? Wellbeing and inequalities in later life - James Nazroo
- World Health Organization: Towards an Age-friendly World