Research: Homelessness
Greater Manchester Rough Sleeping Social Impact Bond (SIB)
The Greater Manchester Rough Sleeping Social Impact Bond (SIB) was a three year programme commissioned by GMCA and part funded by MHCLG. It was designed to support those experiencing entrenched rough sleeping into secure and permanent housing whilst offering wrap-around, person-led support.
The Homelessness research team carried out an evaluation of the programme to capture key recommendations and learning for future programmes looking to support those experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping.
Read the GMCA Rough Sleeping SIB Evaluation (PDF, 773KB)
A Bed Every Night (ABEN)
The GMCA commissioned an independent evaluation of A Bed Every Night (ABEN) to inform the future direction of responses to rough sleeping in Greater Manchester.
Read the recommendations in the full report by I-SPHERE (PDF, 1.04MB)