Child Centred Policing
Greater Manchester Police's (GMP) Child Centred Policing (CCP) Strategy was launched in March 2023, at an event bringing together the city-region's statutory and non-statutory child-facing agencies and partners to input into the strategy's development.
The updated Child Centred Policing Strategy and Delivery Plan 2024-25 outlines a comprehensive approach to engaging with and safeguarding children and young people in the community within the coming year.
The delivery plan is split into four key areas:
Prevention and Engagement
Alternatives outcomes to arrest (Pre-Custody)
Post Custody/ Investigations
This is supported by nine pillars, each with a dedicated lead to ensure objectives are met. These include:
Prevention and engagement
District policing
Stop and search
Violence Reduction Unit (VRU)
Missing children
The CCP strategy emphasises the importance of viewing every interaction with a child as an opportunity to understand their experiences, identify vulnerabilities, and provide support. It focuses on early intervention, prevention, and collaboration with partners from GMP, Violence Reduction Unit, youth justice, complex safeguarding, youth work, VCSFE sector organisations, education and health to prevent escalation and protect young people from harm.
The CCP strategy and delivery plan aligns with other child focused GM strategies, including the Violence Reduction Unit's ‘Greater Than Violence Strategy' (PDF 7.7 MB, external website); the Complex Safeguarding ‘Adolescent Safeguarding Framework' (PDF, 11.3 MB, external website), and Greater Manchester's ‘Police and Crime Plan’.
Child Centred Policing Strategy and Delivery Plan 2024-25 (PDF 1.2MB, external website)