Reviews and Complaints
Police Complaint Reviews
If you are not satisfied with how your complaint was handled by Greater Manchester Police (GMP), then you may be able to request an independent review. Further information can be found via the link below.
Complaints about the conduct of the Chief Constable
This relates to the personal conduct of the Chief Constable, not complaints about the wider force.
The Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Greater Manchester have powers to conduct investigations into complaints about the conduct of Greater Manchester Police’s Chief Constable. If you have a complaint about the conduct of Greater Manchester Police’s Chief Constable then please email pccenquiries@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk.
If you have a complaint abut Greater Manchester Police, please see the section below.
Complaints about Greater Manchester Police, it's Officers, or Staff
If you have a complaint about Greater Manchester Police (GMP), it's officers, or staff, please visit the GMP website - Complaints | Greater Manchester Police (gmp.police.uk).
A complaint is any expression of dissatisfaction with a police force that is expressed by or on behalf of a member of the public. It must be made by a person who meets the definition of a complainant as set out in the Police Reform Act 2002.
Complaints about specific encounters with GMP officers, or any aspect of GMP policy or performance, should be directed to GMP. GMP are the Appropriate Authority and will log information about all expressions of dissatisfaction. Ensuring that the correct recording process is followed enables GMP to properly capture feedback about policing in Greater Manchester. This can be used to identify issues, trends and opportunities for learning and improvement.
Contacting GMP in the first instance will also prevent any unnecessary delay in GMP contacting you to discuss options for how the cases meeting the statutory definition of a complaint can be handled and the outcomes that you are seeking.
Regulations prohibit the Mayor and Deputy Mayor (Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA)) from intervening directly if you are seeking to make a complaint about a specific incident involving GMP. As a local policing body, GMCA have no legislative authority to investigate public complaints about GMP. To do so would also compromise our prospective role as a Relevant Review Body (RRB) later in the process should you be dissatisfied at the handling of your complaint by GMP. This also applies if you are seeking to make a general comment on GMP policies, performance or conduct. The only exception is where your complaint concerns the conduct of the Chief Constable, please see the section above.
The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) provides information on its website about the police complaints process - A guide to the complaints process | Independent Office for Police Conduct (external website).
You can also email the IOPC on enquiries@policeconduct.gov.uk, or call them on 0300 020 0096.
Complaints about the Mayor of Greater Manchester or the Deputy Mayor for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice & Fire
If you have a complaint about the Mayor of Greater Manchester or the Deputy Mayor for Police, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, please read the following policy document and complete the complaints form contained within it:
Complaint Procedure Against the Mayor - for police and crime related issues (PDF, 279KB)
Complaint Procedure Against The Mayor - Flowchart (PDF, 345KB)
Complaints against the mayor for police and crime related issues - form (Word, 93KB)
Privacy statement for police and crime related complaints
Between the 1st of April 2022 and the 31st of March 2023, a total of four complaints were received addressed to the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Panel. Upon initial receipt, all four stated they were concerning the Greater Manchester Deputy Mayor in respect of police and crime issues. However, only one of these complaints met the criteria for consideration under the Greater Manchester Police and Crime Panel complaints procedure.
If you have a complaint about a member of staff at Greater Manchester Combined Authority in relation to police and crime issues, please email us - pccenquiries@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
Greater Manchester Victims' Services
To learn more about the support services available to victims - visit the Greater Manchester Victims' Services website, link below.
Greater Manchester Victims' Services (external website)
Appealing a decision to take a case to court
If your case does not go to court and you are unhappy with the decision made by the police and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), you have a right to seek a review of the decision. This is called the 'Right to Review' scheme. You can find out more information on the scheme using the links below:
Crown Prosecution Service - Victims’ Right To Review Scheme (external website)
Stop and search
The police power of stop and search is an important tool in tackling crime and protecting communities. However, we recognise that stop and search can be a source of tension between the police and the public and that this can have a disproportionate impact in some communities. The Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime is committed to ensuring there are robust scrutiny processes in place to make sure the police are acting proportionately and within the law.
We know that being stopped and searched can be an unpleasant experience, so if you have been stopped and searched and feel that you shouldn’t have been and/or feel the officer adopted an inappropriate attitude, then we would like to hear about it. We would also welcome any suggestions or positive comments you’d like to share.
If you would like to tell us about your experience of stop and search then please email us at stopandsearch.feedback@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
To find out more about stop and search, including your rights and responsibilities, visit the Greater Manchester Police website.
Greater Manchester Police - stop and search (external website)