Environmental Sustainability
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) works together to serve local communities, businesses and other partners and to improve the city-region. We are committed to delivering this service in a sustainable manner.
Environmental Sustainability Policy
This policy covers the core functions of GMCA based at Tootal Buildings as well as the sites and activities of Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS).
This policy also covers activities delivered by GMCA Waste & Resources Team.
This policy excludes GMFRS sites occupied by external contractors delivering new build fire stations. This policy excludes waste sites operated via third party contract as well as other organisations linked to the GMCA including Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) and Greater Manchester Police (GMP). The policy also excludes North West Fire Control.
GMCA have set an overarching target to achieve carbon neutrality by 2038. To drive progress towards 2038, GMCA has a sustainability strategy incorporating five objectives to be achieved by 2026:
- To have reduced our scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 50%.
- To have embedded environmental protection fully into emergency response activity.
- To have a minimum of 80% of our supply chain that demonstrates commitment to our carbon neutrality target.
- To have developed a climate adaptation strategy.
- To have trained all of our staff in understanding the climate emergency and their role in tackling it.
To support these principles we commit to:
- Actively reduce the environmental impacts of our sites and operations.
- Proactively protect the natural environment and prevent pollution.
- Comply with all applicable environmental legislation and meet the reasonable expectations of interested parties.
- Continue to work closely with local communities, public sectors and our value chain to promote safety, wellbeing and sustainability.
- Consider life-cycle sustainability issues in decision making, for example when:
- Setting strategic direction of the organisation.
- Procuring goods and services.
- Designing new buildings and equipment.
- Developing procedures and policies.
- Support partner organisations to enable better environmental, social and economic outcomes for Greater Manchester.
- Set objectives and targets to deliver our sustainability strategy.
- Communicate our sustainability strategy and performance to all interested parties.
Signed by: Eamonn Boylan
Date: 13th May 2024
Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Environmental Sustainability Strategy (Accessible PDF, 5.8MB)