Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distance


Information for suppliers (terms and conditions)

Suppliers engaged by Greater Manchester Combined Authority to provide goods or services will receive a purchase order to that effect. Unless a specific contract has been signed, the relevant Terms and Conditions are here for goods and here for services.

Greater Manchester Combined Authority operates a No Purchase Order, No Pay procedure. This means that we expect all invoices to be presented with an official purchase order number; this should be provided by the Authority officer purchasing the goods or service with you and will ensure the uninterrupted processing of your invoice through our system.

Please be aware that Greater Manchester Combined Authority will return any invoices not in compliance with this procedure and asks that you always obtain a valid purchase order number on receipt of any order from Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

The supplier shall address all invoices to:  Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Invoices Received,  146 Bolton Road, Swinton, Manchester, M27 8US or

The amount shown on the invoice must exclude value added tax (VAT). If VAT is chargeable this shall be shown as a separate line on the invoice at the rate on point of invoice.

We look forward to a successful working relationship with your organisation.

The Procurement Act 2023 - Key information for suppliers

What is changing? 

A new set of procurement regulations are being brought in by the Cabinet Office to replace what's in place now, and is known as the 'Procurement Act 2023'. The new Regulations will apply from 24th February 2025 and will change how GMCA (and all other public sector organisations) carry out their Procurement activity, the Government aims are to improve the way contracts are procured for the public sector and make the procurement and management of contracts more transparent. 

Useful Resources for Suppliers 

There is a dedicated information page for suppliers (external link)on the GOV.UK website which gives information and guidance for suppliers on the new Regulations. This includes a short guide for suppliers (external link) as well as the resources below. 

Video messages / animations 

Informative videos are available for suppliers and suppliers classed as Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME's) and Community Sector Enterprises (VCSE's) here short guides (external link)

Knowledge Drops 

There are a series of Knowledge Drops (external link) for suppliers and SME's/VCSE's which are designed to provide an easy to digest, high-level overview of the changes to the regulations. 

There are 3 Knowledge Drops for suppliers and 3 Knowledge Drops for SME's/VCSE's covering a variety of topics including 

  • The new 'Central Digital Platform'  
  • Changes to procurement procedures 
  • Commitments around prompt supplier payment 
  • New Notices and our publication requirements 

The new 'Central Digital Platform' 

This new portal created by the Cabinet Office will be used by GMCA and all other public-sector bodies to publish details of new procurement opportunities when the new Regulations start at the end of February 2025. 

Take a look at this factsheet explaining how the Central Digital Platform will work (external link)

It will be a single place for all suppliers to register and upload their key business information and to search for new tendering opportunities and awarded contracts. The benefits for suppliers will include: 

  • Reduced duplication and resources needed for tendering 
  • The ability to set up custom searches and receive alerts based on what your business can provide to the public sector 
  • Free to access 

It will be mandatory, and your responsibility to register your business and keep your details and information up to date if you wish to bid for public contracts.

The Central Digital Platform will be where GMCA (and other public sector bodies) will be publishing the range of notices relating to new tendering opportunities and awarded contracts.  

GMCA will still use the E-Tendering portal Pro-Contract (external link)to advertise our open opportunities, receive bids from suppliers and manage our procurement activities, the Central Digital Platform will be an additional website where notices have to be published. 

What can suppliers do to prepare for the new Regulations? 

  • You should read and watch the available GOV.UK resources and understand the main changes 
  • Register your business on the Central Digital Platform when this becomes available on 24th February 2025 
  • Identify how your organisation can contribute to our local mayoral priorities and Social Value objectives (such as job creation, upskilling of the workforce and net carbon zero) by visiting and familiarising yourself with the Greater Manchester Social Value Policy 

Need more information? 

You will find most of the information summarised on the GOV.UK Transforming Public Procurement webpage (external link), where suppliers can check for regular updates. 


Conditions of contract for the supply of goods and services (docx)