Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distance

Report fraud and corruption

Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, honesty and accountability and we will not tolerate malpractice or wrongdoing.  We have a zero tolerance approach towards fraud and corruption and this commitment is set out in our Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy documents.

We encourage everyone to feel confident in raising any serious concerns they have about suspected illegal or illegitimate practices within the GMCA or any other concerns they have over any aspect of its operations or the conduct of its employees.


Our whistleblowing policy which covers Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service and GM Local Enterprise Partnership provides the protection for individuals who make such disclosures and explains how these will be investigated.

It helps with any investigation if you provide contact details in order that we may clarify information and where necessary ask you to provide evidence to support the investigation.  Any concerns raised anonymously will be considered depending on the creditability of the information provided.

All concerns will be looked at but not all will warrant a full investigation; it may be that some matters can be resolved informally.  All concerns raised will be handled sensitively, in confidence and without the fear of victimisation, discrimination or harassment.

Whilst we encourage the reporting of allegations made in good faith, we will take action against anyone deliberately making false or malicious allegations which damages our reputation or that of our employees.

Whistleblowing Policy (PDF, 250KB)

Report a concern

Anyone can report a concern regarding GMCA to Internal Audit by:

Free, independent and confidential advice is also available from the whistleblowing charity Protect on 0800 1124423.

Anti-Money Laundering

Money Laundering is the process by which criminally obtained money or other criminal property is exchanged for “clean” money or other assets with no obvious link to their criminal origins.  The term is used for a number of offences involving the integration of “dirty money” (i.e. the proceeds of crime) into the mainstream economy.  The aim is to legitimise the possession of such monies through circulation and this effectively leads to “clean” funds being received in exchange. 

Although local authorities are not directly covered by the requirements of the Money Laundering Regulations 2007, guidance from the Charted Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (“CIPFA”) indicates that they should comply with the underlying spirit of the legislation and regulations.

The Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) is committed to establishing and maintaining effective arrangements to prevent and detect attempts to launder money through the GMCA.  The GMCA requires all Members and employees to demonstrate the highest standards of honesty and integrity and this includes compliance with appropriate legislation.  The GMCA is committed to working constructively with the Police and other relevant agencies in relation to combating money laundering and ensuring compliance with the legislation.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy (PDF)