Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distanceee

Charities that help to prevent violence supported with £200,000 funding

Eighteen charities that help to prevent vulnerable young people in Greater Manchester getting involved in serious violence have been supported with Government grants totalling £201,000.

The emergency, one-off, grants from the Home Office will help the charities to continue their work in spite of the Covid-19 pandemic. This includes making up for loss of income, paying for PPE and hygiene measures, funding for computer and audio equipment to move support and activities online, rent and building running costs, games, art equipment and stationary.

The money has been allocated to the Greater Manchester Violence Reduction Unit (VRU) following a bid to the Home Office from Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

It is specifically to support small and “micro” charities that have an annual income of less than £100,000 a year, and it covers the period from 1 April to 31 October 2020.

Dan Diamond, who leads Greater Manchester’s VRU, said: “We’re pleased to support these charities to help them continue their vital work in our communities. There is a wide range of groups that have received funding, ranging from those incorporating quite traditional approaches to more niche ones.

“The charities include food banks, emotional support providers, support for minority groups, food services, group work sessions, online services and engagement, young people outreach, welfare rights, counselling, sports development and street-based youth engagement to divert gang activity and involvement.”

Deputy Mayor for Policing, Crime, Criminal Justice and Fire, Bev Hughes, said: “The Covid-19 restrictions have made life particularly difficult for young people who were already marginalised and vulnerable. They lost the structured social contact they had in their communities with local charities, youth groups and clubs who normally provide somewhere safe to go and provide support.

“While these small charities have carried on working, doing what they can online and face-to-face following Covid-secure guidelines, it has been tough for them and they have had to invest in equipment, PPE and new ways of working – all while dealing with the heightened pressures in young people’s lives.

“So this funding is very welcome and is a vote of confidence in the work of these charities and Greater Manchester’s Violence Reduction Unit.”

The VRU was set up in October 2019 and brings together health, police and criminal justice, education, youth justice, and the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector to address the underlying causes of violent crime and work together with communities to prevent it.

Earlier this year, the VRU announced it is investing £500,000 in piloting new community-led approaches to tackling violent crime, working closely with the VCSE sector and those most affected by serious violence to build aspirations and opportunities in the six areas of the city-region.

Article Published: 17/08/2020 14:25 PM