Man riding bicycle

Ageing Well

The Greater Manchester Strategy recognises ageing as one of society’s biggest challenges. Today, too many older people are living in poor health and severe inequalities remain. Despite these challenges, Greater Manchester has the opportunity to build upon its history of joint working between the ten local authorities, and as an integrated care partnership co-terminus with a mayoral combined authority, to tackle inequalities in  health and care and put ageing well at the heart of every policy.

Delivering our age-friendly strategy, and particularly our objectives for Ageing Well, is a key part of our shared Greater Manchester commitment to shifting the dial on  prevention, we recognise this is not solely the responsibility of a single agency and are working across community, clinical and care to achieve our objectives.

Where do we want to be by 2027?

To move closer to our 2034 vision, where older people in Greater Manchester are living longer, healthier lives. We have set the following three-year objectives:

  • Embed Ageing Well approaches in Greater Manchester public health strategies to focus on preventative action
  • Increase the proportion of older people receiving appropriate mental health support
  • Increase levels of physical activity amongst older people
  • Reduce the number of people falling by adopting a set of minimum standards for primary falls prevention across Greater Manchester agencies
  • Support the Greater Manchester Women’s Health Strategy to promote action on the health and wellbeing of older women


How do we deliver?

  • Develop a set of Greater Manchester Ageing Well Standards, building on the approach we have taken to Falls Prevention in Greater Manchester to improve equity of access and equality across Greater Manchester
  • Deliver on the Greater Manchester Falls Collaborative’s system-wide action plan, documenting key ‘opportunities for action’ in relation to the key thematic areas identified in the ‘Greater Manchester Falls Prevention: Delivering integration and reconditioning’
  • Embed delivery of active ageing across Greater Manchester, in partnership with Greater Manchester Moving
  • Learn from our Ageing in Place Pathfinder to sustain and scale community led approaches to ageing well that can support our shift to prevention, embed the principles of our Greater Manchester Live Well programme for older people and improve take-up/ access to public health and other services
  • Ensure the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub plays an active role in supporting delivery of the Greater Manchester Women’s Health Strategy
  • Work in partnership with the Greater Manchester Population Health team, Directors of Public Health, and NHS Greater Manchester to help residents to Age Well across Greater Manchester
  • Work in partnership with the Dementia United team to support the delivery of the ‘Dementia United and Brain Health: Delivery Plan 2023-25'
  • Support the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme to meet the needs of older people's mental health and wellbeing, with meaningful involvement from older people with lived experience through the Greater Manchester Older People's Mental Health Network

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