We want to improve the lives of older people in Greater Manchester, so that residents are able to contribute to and benefit from sustained prosperity and enjoy a good quality of life.
Working with partners we set up the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub (external website) to respond to the opportunities and challenges of an ageing population in our city region, focusing on reducing inequalities and ageing well.
Sign up (external website) to the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub newsletter for regular information about our work
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Contact Greater Manchester Ageing Hub
Email ageinghub@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
The Ageing Hub Digest
The Ageing Hub Digest sets out our thinking across key areas of activity - economy and work, housing and planning, transport, culture, age-friendly places and healthy ageing. We hope that by sharing what we are doing in Greater Manchester we will encourage more policy makers, practitioners and citizens to embrace this important agenda.
Read about the Ageing Hub Digest online (Issuu, external site)