A person in a garden wearing a blue jacket.
green city region Environment

Greener Later Life

The Ageing Hub and colleagues across Greater Manchester are working to raise awareness and understanding of the impact of climate change on an ageing population, the role of residents in mid and later life in championing change, as well as exploring how we can build climate resilience into age-friendly communities. The work builds on the 'This is What an Activist Looks Like' campaign by the GM Ageing Hub and partners in celebration of International Older Day of Older Persons 2021.

This is an emerging area of work for the Ageing Hub. However, there has been plenty of exciting activity over the last few months. 

Greener Later Life Working Group 

The Ageing Hub has brought together a diverse range of stakeholders to discuss requirements and interests relevant to the green and later life agenda that could be collaborated on both in Greater Manchester and nationally. The group's membership includes a variety of public sector organisations, academics, housing practitioners and VCSE organisations. 

The group meets quarterly and is open to those who are interested. If you are interested in joining the Greener Later Life Working Group please email: joseph.depaola@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk 

Co-designing Climate Resilient Age-Friendly Cities and Communities workshop 

The Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate project aims to better understand how extreme weather is impacting older people across the UK and how we can build climate-resilient age-friendly cities and communities that support the health and wellbeing of older adults.

As part of the project, the Ageing Hub and Heriot Watt University hosted a co-design workshop which brought together key organisations from the public, private and voluntary sector and local community to explore how we can build inclusive age-friendly places including outdoor spaces, housing, transport, health and social care and the environment that are resilient to climate change.

The event was a great success and will help to shape recommendations and identify the next steps to achieve climate-resilient, age-friendly cities and communities in the UK.

In December 2023, the final report for 'Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate: Creating Inclusive and Climate Resilient Age-Friendly Cities and Communities' was published. Read the Healthy Ageing in a Changing Climate report (External Link).

Article Published: 27/09/2023 15:29 PM