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Greater Manchester Age-Friendly Strategy 2024-2034

The Ageing Hub is a partnership of organisations across Greater Manchester, working together since 2016 to respond strategically to the opportunities and challenges of an ageing population in our city-region, focusing on reducing inequalities and ageing well. In 2018, following the publication of our first age-friendly strategy, we were recognised by the World Health Organization as the UK’s first age-friendly city-region, a place committed to enabling people to age well and live a good later life.

The Greater Manchester Strategy is Greater Manchester’s plan for all communities, neighbourhoods, towns and cities in the city-region. It provides a clear direction of travel, focussed on those areas where all parts of the conurbation need to work together to achieve our shared vision of Good Lives for All: that Greater Manchester is a great place to grow up, get on and grow old; a great place to invest, do business, visit and study.

The 2024-2034 Age-Friendly Strategy seeks to address the Greater Manchester Strategy’s core challenge of making Greater Manchester a great place to grow old by setting out what we need to do over the next decade to get there. It is for anyone who wants to improve the experience of mid and later life in Greater Manchester and reduce inequalities in our city-region, which tend to widen as we age.

The age-friendly strategy also supports the delivery of a range of other key Greater Manchester strategies including the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership Strategy, Greater Manchester Joint Forward Plan, Greater Manchester Housing Strategy, the Greater Manchester 5-year Environment Plan and the Greater Manchester Local Industrial Strategy and Greater Manchester International Strategy which both recognise ageing as one of society’s greatest challenges and an opportunity for innovation.

Read the 2024-2034 Greater Manchester Age-Friendly Strategy online (external link)

Alongside this strategy, the Ageing Hub has produced The State of Ageing in Greater Manchester, published in January 2024. The State of Ageing is a comprehensive evidence base to support this strategy and everyone working in ageing throughout Greater Manchester.