Two older people gardening.

Moorside, Bury

Persona Support delivers the Pathfinder in the neighbourhood of Moorside in Bury.

The organisation is working in partnership with residents to improve the local area and make it more age-friendly. This has involved delivering more activities and looking to remove barriers that stop people from enjoying Moorside.

Engaging with residents

The project is very much resident-led and resident engagement has been key. Persona Support is focused on co-production, and building strong partnerships in Moorside is a priority. Thus far, working partnerships have been established with Bury Adult Education Centre, Bury College and various local volunteering groups.

International Day of Older Persons 2023

For International Day of Older Persons, Greater Manchester Combined Authority partnered with Yellow Jigsaw to film local older residents in place.

Throughout August and September, films were recorded with local residents in each of the Ageing in Place Pathfinder neighbourhoods. Below is the video recorded with Kath and Rita from Moorside.

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For more information about the Moorside Pathfinder, visit Persona Support's website.

Article Published: 28/06/2024 11:14 AM