Bob Riley
Bob Riley is Chief Executive of Manchester Camerata. His work in this role is driven by the passionate belief that orchestras can transform and transport people, and make positive change in our society.
Led by Bob, the team delivered two Royal Philharmonic Society awards and one from the Association of British Orchestras, for the epic ‘Hacienda Classical’ collaboration with Hacienda Club DJ’s which saw the orchestra open the Pyramid Stage at Glasto 2017.
The team’s enterprise and energy, led a world first in dementia research that directed clinical music therapists and specially trained Camerata musicians to work with people living with dementia and their carers through group music therapy. All of this is underpinned by a world class orchestra, touring, recording, and receiving the 5 stars its musicians richly deserve.
Prior to his role as CEO, Bob enjoyed a varied career as a freelance violinist and violist, working with many of the UK’s orchestras and in particular gained huge inspiration from working with Graham Vick’s Birmingham Opera Company.
Alongside a playing career, Bob founded Blue Frog Music Management with colleague Fiona Sinclair, and together they toured ensembles all over Europe, ran an orchestra, and had huge fun doing some fantastical things like playing for Her Majesty The Queen, Top of the Pops with Kylie and more