Keeping in Touch
There are a number of ways to keep up-to-date with the latest advice, guidance and developments in relation to COVID-19 in Greater Manchester.
Sign-up to the newsletter from the Mayor of Greater Manchester and GMCA (opens in a new tab)
COVID-19 news bulletin (March 24, 2020) (opens in a new tab)
Social Media
Twitter Mayor of Greater Manchester @MayorofGM (opens in a new tab)
Twitter Greater Manchester Combined Authority @GreaterMcr (opens in a new tab)
Twitter Transport for Greater Manchester @OfficialTfGM (opens in a new tab)
Twitter Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service @ManchesterFire (opens in a new tab)
Twitter Public Health England @PHE_uk (opens in a new tab)
Twitter Department of Health and Social Care @DHSCgovuk (opens in a new tab)
Twitter National Health Service England @NHSEngland (opens in a new tab)
Coronavirus (Covid-19): UK government response and guidance (opens in a new tab) – GOV.UK
Coronavirus – health information from the NHS (opens in a new tab)
Coronavirus: How to protect your mental health (opens in a new tab) – BBC
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: what you can and can't do (opens in a new tab) - GOV.UK