Two people sat talking in an office

Accessing treatment and support

Free and confidential advice and support is available in Greater Manchester for people who gamble, people who are worried about someone else’s gambling, or for people recovering from past gambling. You are not alone.

Over half of the population has participated in some form of gambling in the past year. One in 15 residents in Greater Manchester experience gambling related harms, when the impact on children, friends and families is considered. Recognising the warning signs can help identify when it might be time to seek help for yourself or others.

Signs that gambling may be impacting you

Any level of gambling can cause us harm, and what you're experiencing might not immediately feel connected to gambling. Knowing what to look for can be a helpful first step to identify gambling harms:

  • Not sleeping, feeling constantly restless
  • Feeling anxious a lot of the time
  • Not being able to take pleasure in ordinary things
  • Feeling stressed, irritable or angry about other people’s opinions
  • Not being able to stop gambling or thinking about gambling, despite wanting to
  • Feeling disconnected from people and situations
  • Not able to pay attention to people you care about
  • Feeling generally depressed
  • Feeling suicidal or thinking about being absent from the world
  • Constantly needing to check devices
  • Worrying about money and / or debt

If you think any of these things are happening, you might benefit from some extra help.

Getting support with gambling 

Chapter One

Chapter One provides information, training and support for everyone affected by gambling. If you’re worried about gambling, for yourself or someone you know, go to the Chapter One website where you can find more information about gambling harms and where to get support and treatment that works. There’s never been a better time to do so.

NHS Northern Gambling Service

If you think gambling could be affecting you, the NHS has clinics specifically to help. They’re easy to access and confidential. The team will provide you with information and support at every step.

The NHS clinics are specialist services that provide therapy and recovery support to people affected by gambling addiction. Some, including the NHS Northern Gambling Service, also support those close to people with a gambling addiction, such as family, partners, and carers.

Visit the NHS Northern Gambling website to find out more and to contact them: NHS Northern Gambling Service website

National Gambling Support Network and Helpline

The National Gambling Helpline (run by GamCare) provides free and confidential advice 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They can also signpost you to counselling services in the North West (provided by Beacon Counselling Trust) as part of the National Gambling Support Network. 

You can speak to an advisor or refer yourself to the National Gambling Helpline and Support Network by contacting 0808 8020 133.

Dealing with the impacts of gambling

There are many services providing advice and support to help manage the consequences of gambling addiction and harm, such as debt, housing, legal or relationship advice. 

If you are feeling suicidal or are worried someone else is, get help today from Shining a Light on Suicide (external website)

Gambling With Lives (external website) offers therapeutic mental health and bereavement support for anyone affected by a gambling related suicide, including peer support, counselling and support with legal proceedings. Contact

For information relating to debt and gambling, visit Money Helper (external website) for impartial advice on managing finances

Contact Citizens Advice Bureau (external website) who provide advice and support on a whole range of issues, including debt, finance, housing, legal and benefits 

Visit your borough website where you can find a full range of services available in your area, including health and wellbeing, housing and local clubs and activities: