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Guiding Values

Guiding Values for the Use of Automated Decision-Making Systems

Automated decision-making systems present exciting opportunities, but also come with risks.

To live up to the following values, these technologies should be used in a way that is:

Guiding Values

Guiding Values

Working closely with residents will be vital for ensuring that Automated Decision-Making (ADM) systems are used appropriately.

To achieve this, public sector organisations should:


  • Is based on making a positive impact on people’s lives

Fair, Equitable and Just

  • Respects people’s legal and human rights and does not treat people differently unless there is a valid reason to.

  • Never causes discrimination against people based on protected characteristics laid out in the Equality Act. 

  • Is sensitive to unfairness and inequality that exists in our world when designing systems that are based on data about this world.

  • Protects against leaving people behind, or excluded, through a focus on economic efficiency.

  • Ensures there are mechanisms to challenge unfair treatment.

And is shaped by the awareness that:

  • Humans, technologies, and organisations are fallible and may be prone to bias.

  • Automated decision-making systems can incorporate, automate, and accelerate bias.

Read the full Core Requirements

Read the full What Public Engagement Should Look Like values