Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distanceee

Consultation Draft South Pennine Moors SPD documentation 2024

The following documents were published for consultation from 01 November to 23:59, 12 December 2024. 

Consultation Draft South Pennine Moors SAC/SPAs Joint SPD (PDF, 2204KB) 

The draft SPD has been subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and Habitat Regulations Assessment (HRA) screenings. The screenings conclude that further assessment is not necessary. An Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA) has also been published and this concludes that the draft SPD will not have a significant adverse impact on people sharing any of the characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010.  

In accordance with the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 three statutory bodies (The Environment Agency, Historic England and Natural England) were asked if they agreed with the outcome of these screenings, to which they did. See below for details. 

Consultation Draft South Pennine Moors SAC/SPAs Joint SPD - Habitat Regulation Assessment Determination Statement (PDF, 484KB) 

Consultation Draft South Pennine Moors SAC/SPAs Joint SPD - Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Determination Statement (PDF, 505KB) 

Consultation Draft South Pennine Moors SAC/SPAs Joint SPD - Equalities Impact Assessment Screening Statement (PDF, 230KB)