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Police and Crime Plan

Police and Crime Plan 2025-2029

The Greater Manchester Police and Crime Plan is created and published by the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, and the Deputy Mayor for Safer and Stronger Communities, Kate Green. The Mayor was re-elected in May 2024, and this Police and Crime Plan will run from 2025 to 2029.

The new Plan will draw on a wide range of information to ensure that it reflects the police, crime and safety issues affecting Greater Manchester, and listening to the views of Greater Manchester’s residents and communities is a key part of it’s development.

Your views will help us to shape our commitments over the next 4 years and we want to encourage as many people as possible to complete this survey (external website).

To read our current Police and Crime plan in full please see below.

Police and Crime Plan 2022-2025

Victims and equality are front and centre of Greater Manchester’s Police and Crime Plan for 2022 to 2025, which was published on Monday 14 February 2022.

‘Standing Together’ is a partnership plan that describes a new era of accountable and people-centred policing, community safety and criminal justice services for Greater Manchester.

The plan commits to holding the GMP Chief Constable to account on his Improvement Plan, which was launched in 2021, and his promises to the public.

The plan focuses on three key priorities:

  • Keeping people safe and supporting victims
  • Reducing harm and offending
  • Strengthening communities and places

It also has two themes for action:

  • Tackling inequality and injustice in all its forms including Gender Based Violence
  • Delivering with victims, communities and partnership

The plan has been informed by listening to the people of Greater Manchester as well as those who provide services and other key partners.

A public consultation was carried out in November 2021 to gather views on the proposed priorities and more than 93% of people agreed these priorities were important.   

It has also been influenced by the insights we derive from our surveys, as well as analysis of crime patterns, trends, and our work with communities.

Police and Crime Plan

Previous Police and Crime plan:

Annual reports

National crime and policing outcomes and measures

The Home Office has developed six National Crime and Policing Outcomes and accompanying measures to help focus effort on key national priorities and measure performance.

The Home Office has also introduced further measures as part of the national Beating Crime Plan including improvements in 999 and 101 answering times and service.

How our local priorities will contribute towards the national priorities

Our Police and Crime Plan – Standing Together has been informed by the national outcomes and measures alongside our Greater Manchester survey information, crime trends, HMICFRS inspections and public and partner consultation.

The outcomes and accountability section of the plan (page 40-41) clearly details where the national outcomes feature as follows: -

National outcome

Where they feature in our Police and Crime Plan – Standing Together

Reduce neighbourhood crime

Priority 1 and Priority 3

Reduce serious violence

Priority 1 and Priority 2

Reduce murder and other homicides

An outcome of priority 1 and priority 2

Disrupt drugs supply and county lines

Priority 1 and Priority 2

Tackle cyber-crime and fraud

Priority 1

Improve satisfaction among victims

Priority 1

Beating Crime Plan additional outcome


Improve 999 and 101 answering times and service

Priority 1

Our Police and Crime Plan – Standing Together also sets out what the public of Greater Manchester can expect to see in reductions in crime and an increase in the number of people feeling safer. We would also expect to see significant improvements against the GMP Improvement Plan and improved HMICFRS assessments.