Open data
Open data
This page links to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority’s (GMCA) open data. We have an ambition to open more data from the organisation – beyond traditional transparency data – on standard open government licence terms.
Our information is split in two, for ease of navigation:
Transparency data covers the information that we make open to be a transparent organisation. This includes:
- our finances and accounts, including our gender pay gap, expenses, grants awarded, and procurement information
- governance information, meeting papers and agendas
- privacy information, including our website privacy policy, and our accessibility policy
- Freedom of Information responses
- procurement terms and conditions
- opportunities for reporting fraud and corruption
Open data covers data and information from our organisation that we seek to make open for wider re-use, and which are not traditionally covered by the Transparency Code. Our open data will be made available on this page.
Our Office of Data Analytics aims to support the release of more good quality open data by the GMCA and by our partners. To discuss any open data releases, contact the Office by email