Police and Crime Plan
Police and Crime Plan 2024-2029
Equality, culture, and building trust and confidence in policing and community safety are at the heart of the new Police and Crime Plan, 2024-2029, which was launched on Wednesday 18 December 2024 by Greater Manchester’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor.
The Plan is called ‘Standing Together’ and it sets the direction for policing and community safety across the city-region over the next four years.
The Plan was formed following a consultation exercise which engaged with over 250 partner agencies including the city-region’s 10 Community Safety Partnerships, Greater Manchester Police (GMP), young people, businesses, communities, health organisations and Voluntary, Community, Faith, and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) organisations.
This consultation helped to shape the plan along with findings from resident surveys, the Greater Manchester Inequalities Commission published in 2021, and working with equalities’ networks. Each of the Plan’s 10 priorities identifies one or more ‘equality actions’ designed to tackle inequalities.
The Plan's 10 priorities are:
- Improving public trust and confidence in policing.
- Increasing police accessibility, consistency, responsiveness and outcomes.
- Keeping children and young people safe and preventing them from becoming involved in crime.
- Improving support for victims of crime, including vulnerable victims, and tackling emerging crime types.
- Reducing and preventing neighbourhood crime, retail crime and anti-social behaviour.
- Improving road and transport safety, so people can travel around our city-region safely.
- Reducing high harm repeat offending, taking a preventative and diversionary approach.
- Tackling drug, alcohol and wider addictions.
- Reducing and preventing gender-based violence and all forms of serious violence.
- Reducing and tackling serious and organised crime.
Police and Crime Plan
Police and Crime Plan - 'Standing Together' 2024-2029 (PDF, 2.6MB)
Our plan for policing and safer and stronger communities in Greater Manchester.
'What We Heard’ – Police and Crime Plan Consultation 2025
'What We Heard' - Police And Crime Plan Consultation 2025 (DOCX, 409KB)
Previous Police and Crime plans:
Police and Crime Plan – ‘Standing Together’ 2022 - 2025 (PDF, 2.4MB)
Police and Crime Plan- 'Standing Together' 2017 - 2022 (PDF, 10.8MB)
Standing Together Summary Document (PDF, 2.8MB)
Annual reports
Standing Together Annual Report May 2017 - March 2019 (PDF, 983KB)
Standing Together Annual Report April 2019 - March 2020 (PDF, 8.5MB)
Standing Together Annual Report April 2020 - March 2021 (external website) (Main version)
Standing Together Annual Report April 2020 - March 2021 (Accessible PDF, 4.4MB)
Standing Together Annual Report April 2021 - March 2022 (Accessible PDF, 5.3MB)
Standing Together Annual Report April 2022 - March 2023 (PDF, 14.7MB)
Standing Together Annual Report April 2023 - March 2024 (Accessible PDF, 4.4MB)
National crime and policing outcomes and measures
The Home Office has developed six National Crime and Policing Outcomes and accompanying measures to help focus effort on key national priorities and measure performance.
The Home Office has also introduced further measures as part of the national Beating Crime Plan including improvements in 999 and 101 answering times and service.
How our local priorities will contribute towards the national priorities
Our Police and Crime Plan – Standing Together has been informed by the national outcomes and measures alongside our Greater Manchester survey information, crime trends, HMICFRS inspections and public and partner consultation.
The outcomes and accountability section of the plan (page 40-41) clearly details where the national outcomes feature as follows: -
National outcome |
Where they feature in our Police and Crime Plan – Standing Together |
Reduce neighbourhood crime |
Priority 1 and Priority 3 |
Reduce serious violence |
Priority 1 and Priority 2 |
Reduce murder and other homicides |
An outcome of priority 1 and priority 2 |
Disrupt drugs supply and county lines |
Priority 1 and Priority 2 |
Tackle cyber-crime and fraud |
Priority 1 |
Improve satisfaction among victims |
Priority 1 |
Beating Crime Plan additional outcome |
Improve 999 and 101 answering times and service |
Priority 1 |
Our Police and Crime Plan – Standing Together also sets out what the public of Greater Manchester can expect to see in reductions in crime and an increase in the number of people feeling safer. We would also expect to see significant improvements against the GMP Improvement Plan and improved HMICFRS assessments.