A purple background with the white text reading "Educator Toolkit" and "part of the MBacc".

Greater Manchester Baccalaureate Gateway Document

This printable brochure has all seven gateway maps plus an overview of the MBacc journey for young people at 14, 16 and 18.  

Download the MBacc gateway document (PDF, 234 KB)

The gateways are: 

  • Construction and the Green Economy 

  • Creative, Culture and Sport 

  • Digital and Technology 

  • Education and Early Years 

  • Engineering and Manufacturing 

  • Financial and Professional 

  • Health and Social Care 

In comparison to the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), which provides a strong academic route valued by Britain’s most prestigious universities, the Greater Manchester Baccalaureate (MBacc) offers a clear route into high quality skilled jobs with qualifications valued by Greater Manchester employers. 

At 14 years old, the essential qualifications for both the EBacc and MBacc are: 

  • English Lanugage and Literature  

  • Maths 

  • Sciences 

  • Digital Skills 

EBacc GCSE options include modern languages, e.g. French, Spanish, German, and humanities, e.g. Geography, History. 

MBacc GCSE options include qualifications common to the Gateways e.g. Business Studies, Design & Technology, Engineering, Food Preparation & Nutrition, Performing Arts, Art & Design. 

At age 16, young people following the EBacc will go on to choose their A Levels and at 18, they will likely head on to university.  

For young people on the MBacc route, at age 16, there will be more T Level courses and industry placements than ever before, as well as access to apprenticeships and other technical qualifications. 

Then at aged 18, MBacc students will have access to prestigious work-related courses, from intermediate and degree apprenticeships to higher technical qualifications. 

Making choices at 14 should not be limiting, so optionality is built into the MBacc at each stage. A variety of qualifications to suit different learner styles and the flexible design means young people can move between Gateways or choose to follow the more academic route. 

Gateway maps help to visual the journey by highlighting the relevant subjects to build the knowledge needed for careers in the gateway, the choice of qualifications at each stage, and potential jobs and employers in Greater Manchester. 

View each of the Gateway maps on GMACS: