Sports field with goal posts and houses in the distance

Annual Statement of Accounts

On this page you will find links to our Annual Governance Statement and Annual Statement of Accounts.

The Annual Governance Statement:

  • Looks backĀ over the past year and shows where the GMCA has demonstrated good governance
  • Looks at areas where focus should be given in relation to governance over the coming year

The Annual Statement of Accounts:

  • Provides a full and understandable explanation of the financial position of the GMCA and the financial performance for the year
  • Shows confidence that public money entrusted with the GMCA has been used and accounted for in an appropriate manner
  • Provides assurance that the financial position of the GMCA is sound and secure

Download and view our annual accounts

2023-24 Audit Delay Letter - GMCA (PDF, 134KB)

2023-24 Notice of Public Rights (docx, 14.8KB)

2023-24 Draft Annual Governance Statement (PDF, 531KB)

2023-24 Draft Annual Statement of Accounts - Unaudited (docx, 909KB)

2023-24 Document Accessibility Statement

2022-23 statements

2022-23 GMCA Annual Statement of Accounts - Audited (docx, 896KB)

2022-23 GMCA Annual Governance Statement - Signed (PDF, 517KB)

2022-23 GMCA Audit Opinion - Signed (PDF, 129KB)

2022-23 GMCA Annual Audit Report (PDF, 933KB)

2022-23 Document Accessibility Statement

2021-22 statements

2021-22 GMCA Audit Certificate - Signed (PDF, 84KB)

Accounts archive

GMCA Accounts Archive