Annual Statement of Accounts
On this page you will find links to our Annual Governance Statement and Annual Statement of Accounts.
The Annual Governance Statement:
- Looks backĀ over the past year and shows where the GMCA has demonstrated good governance
- Looks at areas where focus should be given in relation to governance over the coming year
The Annual Statement of Accounts:
- Provides a full and understandable explanation of the financial position of the GMCA and the financial performance for the year
- Shows confidence that public money entrusted with the GMCA has been used and accounted for in an appropriate manner
- Provides assurance that the financial position of the GMCA is sound and secure
Download and view our annual accounts
2023-24 Audit Delay Letter - GMCA (PDF, 134KB)
2023-24 Notice of Public Rights (docx, 14.8KB)
2023-24 Draft Annual Governance Statement (PDF, 531KB)
2023-24 Draft Annual Statement of Accounts - Unaudited (docx, 909KB)
2023-24 Document Accessibility Statement
2022-23 statements
2022-23 GMCA Annual Statement of Accounts - Audited (docx, 896KB)
2022-23 GMCA Annual Governance Statement - Signed (PDF, 517KB)
2022-23 GMCA Audit Opinion - Signed (PDF, 129KB)
2022-23 GMCA Annual Audit Report (PDF, 933KB)
2022-23 Document Accessibility Statement
2021-22 statements
2021-22 GMCA Audit Certificate - Signed (PDF, 84KB)