The Ageing in Place Pathfinder
The Greater Manchester Ageing in Place Pathfinder is working to make sure older people's voices are heard and valued in the places they live. The Pathfinder represents a significant commitment from a wide range of stakeholders to establish resident-led partnerships in nine neighbourhoods in Greater Manchester. In these partnerships local organisations are working together with local residents to agree and prioritise ways to improve the quality of life for residents as they grow older.
Pathfinder Partnerships are focused on neighbourhoods where there are clustered populations of residents in mid and later life, which can be known as Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities. In these places, building an inclusive approach to age-friendly community infrastructure will aim to engage socially isolated local residents and communities to participate and find new ways of supporting and connecting them to improve their health and wellbeing.
Why is this work important?
We are putting older people’s voices and lived experience at the heart. Learning about what they value, the contributions they make and the barriers they experience to ageing well in their local communities. We have three questions at the core of our work:
- What is it like to live around here?
- What could make it better?
- How can we work together?
Co-produced neighbourhood action plans will respond to these questions and the unique character of each neighbourhood. They will deliver improvements to the physical environment, local services and other projects and activities. Partnerships involving older people will build local capacity, capability and resilience to improve their lives and the experiences for others in their neighbourhoods.
How we will work together
The learning from the nine Pathfinder Partnerships will support partners in the Greater Manchester Ageing Hub to tackle inequalities in later life, including supporting older people with the continued recovery from the impact of Covid-19 and in the current cost of living crisis. This will deliver on our ambition to sustain and scale this practice to create great places to grow older across the whole of Greater Manchester.
The Ageing in Place Pathfinder is led by GMCA working with Manchester School of Architecture and nine lead organisations anchoring the Pathfinder Partnerships in neighbourhoods. The Pathfinder is investing £4 million over 3 years and is financially supported by a charitable donor along with matched resources from lead organisations and Greater Manchester partners
You can find out more information about the individual Pathfinder Partnerships below.
For further information please contact: ageinginplacepathfinder@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk or sign up to the Ageing Hub newsletter for regular updates by emailing the Ageing Hub: ageinghub@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk.
The Ageing in Place Pathfinder is in receipt of grant funding from the Worwin UK Foundation (external weblink) - a limited-life grantmaking foundation striving to reduce loneliness and social isolation among older adults so they live happier and healthier lives.
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