Publication Scheme for Police and Crime
Greater Manchester Combined Authority Publication Scheme
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service Publication Scheme (external website)
Publication Scheme for Police and Crime
The Mayor of Greater Manchester has responsibilities to publish certain information with regards to policing and crime as set out in The Elected Local Policing Bodies Specified Information Order. The below index will help you find important information quickly.
Who We Are
- The Mayor
- Deputy Mayor
- Structure of the Deputy Mayor’s team covering policing and crime
Contact Details
- Contact Details for the Deputy Mayor
- Contact details for the Police and Crime Panel (external website)
Statutory Functions
- Police, Fire, and Crime Panel
- Meeting Papers (external website)
- Annual Report
- Key Performance Metrics (external website) – Score Card
- (The Progress Report and Performance Score Card can be found in the papers for the following meetings: 4 August 2022, Item 6; 20 September 2022, Item 5; 10 November 2022, Item 6; 18 September 2023, Item 7; 20 November 2023, Item 8; Tuesday 11 June 2024, Item 14)
- Policing and Crime Plan 2025-2029
- Policing Precept (external website)
- Independent Custody Visitors
- Records of important decisions (external website)
- The Police & Crime Panel also receive summary report of all decisions at each meeting which can be viewed via the ‘Meeting Papers’ link above.
Commercial Information
- Contracts and Values
- All advertised contracts use the GMCA advertisement process.
- BlueLight Commercial | Transforming commercial services together (external websites)
- Expenditure over £500
- Annual Investment Strategy (PDF, 678KB)
- The Police Service is included within this broader GMCA report.
- Annual Audit Letter
- Greater Manchester Police is included within this broader GMCA assurance letter.
- Contracts currently being tendered
- Contracts currently being tendered (external website)
The information provided above has been aggregated and anonymised according to internal policies. If you require further detail regarding the role the Deputy Mayor or the work of the Safer and Stronger Communities Team, please email pcc.enquiries@greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk quoting ‘Police Publication Scheme’ in the subject line.