Get Online Greater Manchester

Welcome to Get Online Greater Manchester

Get Online Greater Manchester helps you to access local, regional and national support to get online. Get Online GM brings together the support available for residents to get online from across all ten Greater Manchester Local Authority Area's and across the UK, into one place to help you find the right support for you.

Whatever stage you are at on your digital journey, Get Online GM is here to help you find the support you need. This can be anything from digital skills support to getting more confident with using online services. Whatever support you need we can help you find it.

The best place to start is through your local authority, click on your local authority area below to find local support.

Regional and national support is also available to help you get online, you can find a list of relevant links below to help you find the right support.

Support with connectivity

  • Social tariffs can provide a low-cost data connectivity to get online as a safety net for eligible households who might be struggling to afford their broadband or phone services. View current social tariffs.
  • The GM Databank can help support residents on low incomes struggling to get data connectivity to get free mobile data, text and calls via a local network of community partners. Residents eligible for support will be able to access between 7-24GB of data for 12 months from their local participating Online Centre. An online centre could be anything from a foodbank to a local library. Some eligibility criteria exists. Find out more on the GM Databank.

Support with devices

  • There are a range of options for residents or families who are struggling to afford a device at home to access the internet There are device loaning schemes, or subsidised device purchasing schemes that exist within your borough and across Greater Manchester. The best place to start is through your local authority website, click on your local authority area above to find your local support. Or call your local council for support.
  • Most local authorities are also in a position to safely accept pre-loved devices, which are refurbished and redistributed across the region. Click on your local authority area above to find local support. Or call your local council for support.

Support with digital skills and confidence to get online

  • Get Online Greater Manchester’s Digital Skills Map (Padlet) - your local directory of skills activities and support to get online. Across Greater Manchester there is a range of support available, most of which is free or at a low cost, to help all of our residents to access the benefits the internet has to offer. 
  • There are lots of digital skills training, courses or drop-in sessions within your local borough and across Greater Manchester, and some other great resources for anyone wishing to improve their digital skills.

Support with staying safe online

  • Cyber security is how individuals reduce the risk of cyber attacks. There is plenty of help within your local area or local bank that could help you to understand how to be safe online, or where to go if you feel you've been targeted. We've pulled together existing resources that can help individuals reduce this risk.

Support for specific groups

Greater Manchester wants to become one of the first city-regions in the world to equip all under-25s, over-75s and disabled people with the skills, connectivity and technology to get online. Our Digital Inclusion Action Network is leading targeted action to combat digital exclusion with a specific focus on supporting these groups. Visit our Greater Manchester wide support page to find out more on:

Greater Manchester wide digital support for all

  • Support is on offer via each of the ten Greater Manchester local authorities, this could include things like device loaning or donation schemes, click on relevant local authority area below to find local support.
  • The Digital Exclusion Risk Index (DERI) tool, for England, Wales and Scotland, has been developed in response to local authorities finding digital exclusion a significant challenge for residents and communities during the pandemic. Find out more and use the DERI tool.

Regional and national support for all

  • We believe that everyone in Greater Manchester should have the essential digital skills and confidence, connectivity and support to access the online world. Our mission is to work in partnership with every borough of Greater Manchester to join up, address challenges together and ensure no one should be left behind. Support is also available nationally to help you feel confident online, with relevant links available below.

Support for citizens with connectivity

  • The GM Databank is a 'foodbank for data connectivity' and will help support residents to access free mobile data to get online. Find out more on the databank and how a community organisation can sign up to access the support on offer.
  • Social tariffs can provide a safety net for eligible households who might be struggling to afford their broadband or phone services.
  • The national charity Good Things Foundation have produced a guide for charities, community groups and organisations to reach and support people who are struggling to afford the internet.  You don't have to be an expert to help. This guide is especially for organisations which are not specialist providers of debt or money advice. Find out more on the guide and download.
  • Connectivity support for jobseekers. TalkTalk has teamed up with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to offer six months of free broadband to jobseekers across the UK. The free broadband voucher scheme was trialled in Greater Manchester and Cheshire during lockdown in 2021. Thanks to its success, it has been rolled out across the UK so that more job seekers and their families can be supported. Find out more on the TalkTalk/DWP initiative.

Support with digital skills for all

  • Get Online Greater Manchester’s Digital Skills Map - is a local directory of skills activities and support to get online. Across Greater Manchester there is a range of support available, most of which is free or at a low cost, to help all of our residents to access the benefits the internet has to offer. This interactive map can help professionals, supporting someone to get online or improve digital skills, find local support and activities near them.  
  • Want support with learning how to get online and access your bank account or learn new things? There’s lots of digital skills training and drop-in sessions on offer across Greater Manchester, and some great resources for anyone wishing to improve their digital skills and confidence.

Digital support for social housing residents

  • A first of its kind pilot and partnership between five of the UK’s internet service providers, local authorities and social housing providers has been developed to explore a range of solutions to support social housing residents across Greater Manchester to get help and support to go online. Find out more on the digital inclusion pilot for social housing residents.

Digital support for older people

Support for younger people

  • Download a fact sheet on the current digital support available across the region for young people.
  • The GM Tech Fund was first set up in 2020, and has supported over 3,537 people to date, with the technology and connectivity needed to continue their learning at home whilst schools and colleges were closed. To find out how you can continue to support, please view the GM Tech Fund is available.

Digital support for care leavers

  • A Greater Manchester-wide initiative has been developed to support care leavers to get online and benefit from the opportunities of the online world. Since it began, the project has supported over 400 care leavers with a comprehensive package of support including access to free data for 12 months, free devices and free digital skills training to develop skills, confidence and access opportunities.

Digital support for disabled people

  • Get Online Greater Manchester: support for disabled people guide is here to help address these challenges. Produced by Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and partners, the guide brings together digital support for people with disabilities into one place, including assistive technology, connectivity and digital skills training. 

Support with online safety

  • Cyber security is how individuals and organisations reduce the risk of cyber attack. Visit the cyber security page to find a list of existing resources.

Please get in touch by emailing if you don’t know what local authority area you reside in.

Find out how your organisation can get involved in our Digital Inclusion Agenda for Change.

It's a difficult time for many people across Greater Manchester, as the costs of energy, food and other bills continue to rise. Advice is available if you're affected by the cost of living crisis through Helping Hand.

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