Accounts, Transparency and Governance
Finance and accounts
GMCA Annual Statement of Accounts
Governance and meetings
The Greater Manchester Combined Authority has strong governance arrangements with a number of Committees focused on its specific areas of remit. For more information about committee meetings, details of Local Councillors who are appointed to these committees, their register of interests, meeting attendance and other specific information please see the ‘Meetings’ section of our website.
Meetings calendar, agenda and papers (external website, opens in a new tab)
Watch live meetings (external website, opens in new tab)
Register of key decisions (opens in a new tab)
Register of key decisions (archive)
Greater Manchester Business Board (LEP) (external website, opens in new tab)
Modern Slavery
The modern slavery statement and action plan sets out the steps taken by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) during 2021/22 to understand all of the potential modern slavery risks that relate to our business, which has included conducting a comprehensive risk assessment, and developing an action plan, which outlines what actions we are committed to taking, to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking within our business, or supply chains, in accordance with section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (Transparency in Supply Chains) Regulations 2015.
Privacy, information and data
Emergency Planning and Service Delivery Privacy Notice - Coronavirus
Covid-19 Test and Trace Privacy Notice
Local Growth Assurance Framework (PDF, 13.3MB)
Procurement - Terms and Conditions
Report fraud and corruption
Pay Policy Statement 2022-23 (PDF, 362KB)
Transparency Reports - Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) Grants Awarded
Transparency Reports - Finance
Transparency Reports - Procurement
Trade Union Facility Time 2022-23